Relevant instructions on submission standards
In order to ensure the quality of journal articles and prevent academic misconduct, we hope...
Publication Ethics
AJSM is an open access journal committed to provide the scientific community with high-quality informative summaries in the form of a letter. All manuscripts are subject to peer-review after being approved by the Editor-in-Chief to meet the standards of academic excellence.
Believing in the vital role of peer-reviewed journals in developing and maintaining a valuable and comprehensive knowledge sharing system, AJSM follows the publication code of ethics through the peer review process.
Duplicate Submission and Plagiarism
Manuscripts submitted to AJSM should be original. Accordingly, all submitted manuscripts will be checked for editorial originality using the Different database. Manuscripts should not be submitted elsewhere while being under review by AJSM . Manuscripts should not have been published previously or accepted for publication elsewhere, either in whole or in part.
Extended versions of articles published in conference proceedings could be considered provided that the original work is properly cited and the manuscript presents significant novel data and content.
In case of usage of a work which is under review or in press, it should be cited.
Authors are required to gain the copyright holder permission to reuse any figures or tables in the submitted manuscript.
Manuscripts that will be found to be copied from other sources will not be considered by AJSM.
It is prohibited for the editors and the reviewers to share the submitted manuscript with any third party during the peer-review process. Only the final version of the accepted manuscript will be made public after final approval of the corresponding author.
Redundant Publication
Manuscripts resulting from the inappropriate division of one study will be requested to be merged into a single manuscript or be rejected.
Data Fabrication
AJSM publishes only original data and results. Any manuscript found to include falsified or fabricated data, results, figures, or tables will be rejected.
Citation Manipulation
Manuscripts that will include references for the purpose of increasing the citations of a certain author’s work or a certain journal will be rejected.
It is totally prohibited for the editors and the reviewers to ask for corrections to add citations of their articles or journals merely to increase their own citations.
All authors listed in the submitted manuscript must have made a significant scientific contribution to the research submitted and agreed to be included in the author list of the manuscript.
All authors should be clearly listed with up-to-date contact details and affiliations.
All authors will be held responsible for any false statement.
An acknowledgment should be made to anyone or any party, other than the authors, that contributed to the manuscript preparation with their permission.
Conflicts of Interest
The conflicts of interest statement is required for all manuscripts submitted to AJSM. If there are no conflicts of interest, the author(s) should indicate “The author(s) declare(s) no conflicts of interest” in the submitted manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest include the following:
Financial: Funding support (including salaries, equipment, supplies, services, and other expenses) received by the author(s) from organizations that may influence the outcome of the work.
Employment: Employment by an organization or on the advisory board of any entity that may influence the outcome of the work.
Intellectual Property: Trademarks with an interest in the outcome of the work.
Non-Financial: Non-financial competing interests include (but are not limited to):
Authors must declare any type of conflicts of interest in the submitted manuscript in the “Conflicts of Interest” section.
Authors must declare any funding contributing to the publication submitted whether current or recent in the Acknowledgement section.
Involvement of anyone other than the authors or entity in the work of the manuscript should be declared in the Acknowledgement section.
The declared conflicts of interest will be considered by AJSM Editor-in-Chief.
Editors/Reviewers should not be involved in a manuscript in the following cases
Sanctions will be applied to the authors who violate AJSM publication ethics policies.
Sanctions will include the following.
- Manuscripts will be directly rejected.
- Authors will not be allowed to re-submit their manuscript to AJSM.
- Authors cannot act as editors or reviewers in AJSM.
Corrigendum, Erratum, and Retraction
Once an error is identified after publication, the following actions will be taken:
Any case of misconduct will require a retraction.
We will synchronously submit your paper to the following database for inclusion:
In order to ensure the quality of journal articles and prevent academic misconduct, we hope...
Academic Journal of Sociology and Management (AJSM)
SUAS Press Series, Commenced in October 2023
ISSN: Print: 3005-5040, Online: 3005-5059
Published by Southern United Academy of Sciences Limited (ISNI: 0000000512776460)
Management and Quality Assurance by the Academic Journal of Sociology and Management Editorial Committee
Contact Us:
Address: Room D07, 8th Floor, Kai Tak Factory Building Phase 2, 99 King Fook Street, New Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong