Research on the Export Status of Guangdong Lixun Precision Industry


  • Mingyu Tang Nanjing Vocational and Technical University of Industry



Guangdong Lixun Precision Industry, Export, Current Situation Study


The consumer electronics industry is a key position for China to move from a manufacturing country to a manufacturing power, it is a typical technology-driven industry, an important reference to reflect China's scientific and technological level, and one of the most intuitive technology industries that has the most intuitive impact on people's livelihood, and it is a new growth point for China's economic and trade activities. In recent years, the overseas export of China's consumer electronics industry has developed rapidly, and Guangdong Lixun Precision Industry Co., Ltd., as a leading company in the domestic consumer electronics industry, has maintained a strong momentum of overseas business in recent years. However, with the gradual spread of the Sino-US trade war and the outbreak of the global epidemic, this is undoubtedly a blow to the world's consumer electronics companies. Under the influence of various factors, there are still many problems in the overseas export of Guangdong Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd., and this paper selects Guangdong Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. as the research object to explore its countermeasures in the context of intensified global competition. This paper first sorts out the relevant concepts and theoretical foundations, and analyzes the export status of Luxshare Precision. It was found that the company's overseas export business has problems such as low bargaining power, single customers, and single product structure. And put forward targeted solutions including diversified publicity, strengthening R&D investment, and scientific control of external policies. Promoting the healthy development of the company's export business can also give some reference suggestions to other companies in this field.


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Author Biography

Mingyu Tang, Nanjing Vocational and Technical University of Industry

Nanjing Vocational and Technical University of Industry, Nanjing, China.


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How to Cite

Tang, M. (2024). Research on the Export Status of Guangdong Lixun Precision Industry. Academic Journal of Sociology and Management, 2(3), 54–58.


