Corrections & Retractions

1. General: Articles published online or in print are considered final. The journal generally does not make corrections or retract published articles. In cases where it is necessary (as described below), the journal may also make changes or retract articles.

2. Corrections: If there are unintentional scientific errors in the article and they do not significantly affect the results and conclusions of the article, the editorial office will publish a correction notice in the journal as soon as possible, detailing the changes made to the original article and indicating the source of the article. The journal will publish a new version of the corrected paper, detailing the changes to the original article in the new version and indicating the update date. The version before the change will also be archived and readers can directly obtain it, but when citing, the latest version of the article should be cited.

3. Retraction: The editorial office will retract the article and issue a retraction statement in the following cases:
- When there are serious scientific errors in the article, so that the results and conclusions of the article are unreliable;
- For articles suspected of academic misconduct such as plagiarism and data falsification, the editorial office will initiate an investigation and issue a statement to inform readers that the article is at risk; the results will be made public after the investigation. If it is confirmed that the article contains academic misconduct, the editorial department will take measures to retract the article and issue a retraction statement.