Game Theory: Concepts, Applications, and Insights from Operations Research


  • Chang Che The George Washington University
  • Junchi Tian The George Washington University




Applied Mathematics


Game Theory




Game Theory, Nash Equilibrium, Mixed Strategy, Operational Research, Cooperative Games


Game theory is a branch of complex system analysis that deals with the mathematical modeling of strategic interactions among rational agents. It has been widely used across various fields, such as economics, social sciences, computer science, and operational research. This paper provides an overview of game theory, discussing its foundational concepts, including non-cooperative and cooperative games, Nash equilibrium, and mixed strategies. The study explores extensive-form, repeated, Bayesian, and coalitional games, highlighting applications in operational research and the implications for decision-making under competition.

Author Biographies

Chang Che, The George Washington University

The George Washington University, US.

Junchi Tian, The George Washington University

The George Washington University, US.


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How to Cite

Che, C., & Tian, J. (2024). Game Theory: Concepts, Applications, and Insights from Operations Research. Journal of Computer Technology and Applied Mathematics, 1(4), 53–59.


