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Journal of Economic Theory and Business Management is peer-reviewed journal of Southern United Academy of Sciences published in the field of Economics, Finance and Business.
ISSN 3006-4953 (Print) | ISSN 3006-4961 (Online)
The journal focuses on the following fields:
This journal has an official Title in the ISNI system of Southern United Academy of Sciences
ISNI: 0000000512776460 (Title: Journal of Economic Theory and Business Management)
All articles published by JETBM are indexed by BASE. (BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine)
SUAS is a registered name allocation agency in ARK Alliance. (Registration Code: 40704)
All published resources in JETBM are assigned a Persistent Uniform Resource Locator (Prefix: suas/JETBM)
The mission of JETBM is to provide a high-level platform for experts and scholars all over the world to share their latest ideas of Economics and Finance and foster the prosperity of the discipline.
All articles published are rigorously reviewed meeting the Journal Quality standards.
We would welcome scholars and researchers engaging in the related field to submit your manuscripts to AJSM. Both of online submission and E-mail submission ( are acceptable.
We will synchronously submit your paper to the following database for inclusion:
Experts in the area of Basic Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, and Engineering are...
Journal of Economic Theory and Business Management (JETBM)
SUAS Press Series, Commenced in March 2024
ISSN: Print: 3006-4953, Online: 3006-4961
Published by Southern United Academy of Sciences Limited (ISNI: 0000000512776460)
Management and Quality Assurance by the Journal of Economic Theory and Business Management Editorial Committee
Contact Us:
Address: Room D07, 8th Floor, Kai Tak Factory Building Phase 2, 99 King Fook Street, New Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong