Machine learning and Feature Selection: Applications in Business Management


  • Siyao Chen University of Connecticut
  • Abhit Daiya University of Connecticut
  • Rubhrat Deb Wildlife Institute of India






Business Strategy




Machine Learning, Feature Selection, Business Management


In recent years, we have a higher demand for machine learning models in the field of economics and business managment. We have a higher demand for quality of the features used for training. In this process, feature selection plays a key role in identifying the most meaningful features from a dataset while we perfrom various business tasks. Feature selection is not just a technical exercise; it also has profound implications for the transparency and explainability of machine learning models. This study aims to be a valuable resource for both academic and industry experts, offering insights that connect theoretical knowledge with practical implementation. And this paper also highlights the potential applications and significance of feature selection across industries like business, finance, and other real-world scenarios. And it aims to explore deep in the feature selection, showing that its impact on model performance and its role in various domains.

Author Biographies

Siyao Chen, University of Connecticut

University of Connecticut, USA.

Abhit Daiya, University of Connecticut

University of Connecticut, USA.

Rubhrat Deb, Wildlife Institute of India

Wildlife Institute of India, India.


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How to Cite

Chen, S., Daiya, A., & Deb, R. (2024). Machine learning and Feature Selection: Applications in Business Management. Journal of Economic Theory and Business Management, 1(6), 33–38.


