Strengthened Review Announcement
In order to further improve the academic quality and credibility of the journal, this journal...
Southern United Academy of Sciences Limited, a recognized member of CrossRef, is committed to upholding the highest standards in scholarly publishing. To facilitate accurate identification, citation, and retrieval of research articles, each journal operated under our auspices assigns a unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to every published article.
Principles Governing DOI Assignment
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DOI Prefix and Suffix Structure
The DOI allocation policy established by Southern United Academy of Sciences Limited is designed to ensure the integrity, uniqueness, and accessibility of scholarly publications. By adhering to the specified structure for DOI assignment, we facilitate precise identification and citation of academic works published within our journals. This systematic approach not only complies with the DOI specification standards set forth by CrossRef but also enhances the operational efficiency of our publishing processes. We are committed to maintaining these standards to support the academic community and promote the dissemination of high-quality research.
Effective December 1, 2024, JIEAS will adhere to the DOI Allocation Statement as part of its publishing process.
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In order to further improve the academic quality and credibility of the journal, this journal...
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Applied Science (JIEAS)
SUAS Press Series, Commenced in October 2023
ISSN: Print: 3005-6071, Online: 3005-608X
Published by Southern United Academy of Sciences Limited (ISNI: 0000000512776460)
Management and quality assurance by Journal of Industrial Engineering and Applied Science Editorial Committee
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